• Warriors Orochi 3 Crystal

    Warriors Orochi 3 Crystal

    The worlds of ancient China and feudal Japan collided together as one. The all-powerful being responsible for warping time and space in this fashion was none other than the Serpent King known as Orochi. Determined to test the strongest warriors the human realm had to offer, Orochi waged countless battles until finally meeting his demise at the hands of the mortals.

    Several years following the war against Orochi, the world he had made was invaded by a large and terrifying beast known as the Hydra. One by one, the heroes of mankind fell before the Hydra's overwhelming might. In the midst of their despair, they met Kaguya, a mystic who possessed the ability to travel through time and change the past. The heroes overcame their differences in order to change history as well as save their fallen allies and slay the evil Hydra. This epic story of the greatest heroes of the land taking up arms to fight for a common cause is about to begin. Although he possesses some childlike qualities, the truth is that he is a brilliant strategist. He seemingly has a secret side to him, where he may act aimless and carefree, but is constantly calculating his next move behind that cheerful facade.

    He had been wandering the land alone when the Hydra appeared and then decided to join the Resistance Army, and attempted to devise a strategy to defeat the Hydra. Having lost many of his friends to the fearsome Hydra, he is eager to strike back against the evil beast.

    For Warriors Orochi 3 Ultimate on the PlayStation 4, a GameFAQs message board topic titled 'How does one get crystals?' You get a crystal. Press L2+R2 when the.

    The evil Serpent King who lives to destroy everything in his path. He wields his massive scythe on the battlefield and cuts down all who oppose him.

    Oct 16, 2018 - If my first few hours with Warriors Orochi 4 is anything to judge bythat's. That's smaller in scope than Warriors Orochi 3at first glance, anyway. Grants you Gems(Money), Weapons, Crystals (a more rare form of money),. Home PlayStation 3 Warriors Orochi 3 Cheats Thank you for printing this page from www.SuperCheats.com. Remember to come back to check for more great content for Warriors Orochi 3. Unlock Gaiden Stages cheat for Warriors Orochi 3. For Warriors Orochi 3 Ultimate on the PlayStation 4, a GameFAQs message board topic titled 'How does one get crystals?'

    Due to his past crimes, he was imprisoned within the Mystic Realm for eternity, but was able to escape thanks to the aid of Da Ji. In order to rid himself of his eternal suffering, he merged the worlds of ancient China and feudal Japan in order to test the strongest heroes they had to offer, but eventually fell to their combined strength and sense of unity. Display Map Switch between the map display methods when battle updates are given. Semi-auto Automatically switch to the overview map. Auto After switching to the overview map, it will return to the previous map setting. Manual The map will not switch during updates.

    Life Gauges Turn the Life Gauges displayed above the enemies' heads on or off. ON/OFF Subtitles Turn the subtitles for the movies and event scenes on or off. ON/OFF Enemy location indicator Turn the indicator that shows the direction of an enemy officer on or off. ON/OFF Movies / Events Choose whether to play movies or event scenes that you have already seen in the game. ON/OFF Controls Camera - vertical Rotate the camera up or down. Normal/Inverted Camera - horizontal Rotate the camera left or right.

    Normal/Inverted Targeting Select whether the camera will automatically track an enemy officer or not while guarding (strafing). Normal/Auto Vibration Turn the vibration function for the controller on or off. ON/OFF Button Settings Assign commands to each of the buttons.When playing with two players, Player 1 and Player 2 can set their own controller settings. Sound Music volume Adjust the volume of the music in the game. SFX volume Adjust the volume of the sound effects in the game. Voice volume Adjust the volume of the voice in the game. Sound test Listen to music that you have unlocked within the game.

    Reset Stats Reset Single Officer Reset the attributes of a single officer to their default values. All Officers Reset the attributes of all officers to their default values.

    Otherworld Invasions Choose whether Otherworld invaders can appear during battles in Gauntlet Mode or not. OFF/ON Save/Load Save or load game data. Xbox Store Obtain or purchase additional content for the game from the Xbox Store.

    You can obtain or purchase new content for the game from the Xbox Store such as new stages, costumes, music or wallpaper. Costumes You can change an officer's costume when selecting officers via the 'Change Team' command. After selecting the officer, press the Y button to change their costume. Music Once you have selected 'Begin Battle' on the Pre-battle Screen, you can press the Y button on the loading screen to change the music for the upcoming stage (only for stages that you have already cleared). Other All other additional content can be used in the usual manner.You can refill your Musou Gauge by holding down the B button, picking up items such as wine or Hua Tuo's Ointment, or by switching the officer to inactive status. True Musou Attack If you perform a Musou Attack when your Health Gauge is in the red, your Musou Attack will be even more powerful than normal. Additionally, your attacks will be imbued with a flame attribute.

    2P True Musou Attack If you are playing with two players and there is an electrical charge linking both of you together, you can perform an even more powerful Musou Attack. Additionally, your attacks will be imbued with a flame attribute.Performing a Triple Rush with certain team members will result in a special kind of attack. True Triple Attack If you press Left Trigger and Right Trigger at the same time when your True Triple Attack Gauge is full, you will enter True Triple Attack Mode. When you are in True Triple Attack Mode, your inactive officers will join your playable and will attack any enemies in the area. You will remain in True Triple Attack Mode until the True Triple Attack Gauge is depleted. When the True Triple Attack Gauge reaches empty, your three team members will perform a powerful finishing move against any enemies that you touched while in True Triple Attack Mode.

    Enemies defeated by a True Triple Attack will leave gems behind. You will automatically pick up any gems that are dropped.

    Jump Jump in the air. If your Attack Category is 'Speed,' by jumping while in the middle of another jump, you can move in the air. Mount / Dismount Horse Mount a horse while standing near it, or dismount a horse while riding it. You can attack by pressing the X button / Y button / B button while mounted on a horse. You can the press Y button while galloping on a horse to make it jump. Guard / Strafe Block against an attack from the front.

    If you hold down the button, you can move while continuing to face forward. If you can press the X button with the proper timing while blocking an enemy attack, you can perform a counterattack and knock them back. Somersault You can regain control when knocked into the air by an enemy attack. (Up) Call Horse Summon your horse to your side.

    By equipping special items, you can ride even better horses. There are some places where horses cannot be summoned. If you hold down the button, you can automatically mount the horse when it approaches. (Down) Changing Battle Styles Call an inactive member of your team to fight alongside you. If you press the button again, the officer will return to inactive status. After selecting a stage, you will be taken to the Pre-battle Screen.

    During battle, pressing the Menu button will bring up the Information Screen. By spending 100,000 gems at the Pre-battle Screen, you will get an additional 3 Scrolls of Enlightenment. Preparations Only before battle. You can change your officers' equipped weapons and items. Accepting Missions Only before battle. You can accept missions from the list of participating officers.

    Army Info View information on both the enemy and allied armies in the battle. Team Info View information on the three members of your current team.

    Battle Log Only during battle. View a list of messages displayed during the battle.

    Check Missions Only during battle. Check the details for the missions you have accepted. Options Adjust the game settings. Save Only during battle. Save your current game progress. Return to Camp Return to the Camp Screen.

    Quit Return to the main menu. Begin Battle (Resume) Begin (or resume) a battle. Accepting Missions By selecting 'Accept Missions' on the Pre-battle Screen, you will be able to take on missions from officers participating in that battle. If you complete the missions, then your bonds with the issuing officer will strengthen, and they will grow weaker if you fail. Player Info ① Team Members You can change to inactive officers by pressing Right Trigger and Left Trigger. Pressing down on the D-pad will change their battle style (fighting together or resting).

    The Life and Musou Gauges for inactive characters will gradually refill. ② True Triple Attack Gauge When this is full, you can perform a True Triple Attack. You can refill it by attacking the enemy. ③ Musou Gauge This will deplete when you perform certain attacks. The line visible in the gauge denotes the cost of one use of your Special Attack.

    You can refill it by picking up recovery items or by switching the officer to inactive status. ④ Item Effects These will light up while your abilities are temporarily powered-up. ●: Attack x2 ●: Defense x2 ●: Speed increased ●: MAX Musou Gauge ⑤ Life Gauge The Life of your character. If it reaches empty, the game is over. You can refill it by picking up recovery items or by switching the officer to inactive status.

    Information such as EXP obtained will be displayed after battle. Obtaining allies You can select newly obtained allies to take to battle with you by using the 'Change Team' command. Obtaining Growth Points You will receive additional Growth Points depending on the amount of EXP you earned during the stage. These Growth Points can be used to level up officers of your choosing through the 'Distribute Growth Points' command on the Status Screen. Obtaining items after battle During battle, you can obtain weapons and items by finding Weapon and Item Boxes throughout the stage that will be made available after the battle is over.

    Additionally, by completing certain conditions, you can also receive Strategy Cards or Musou Battlefield elements. Mission Results / Changes in Bonds You can check the results of any missions you undertook, as well as the corresponding change in bonds with each of the issuing officers. You can press the B button to talk to other people such as the officers and Blacksmith within the Camp. Circle of Light Select a stage to play.

    Teahouse Strengthen the bonds between allies. Blacksmith Purchase new weapons and upgrade your current ones. Allies You can talk to your allies.

    By listening to their stories, the number of selectable stages may increase. Status Screen Battle Preparations Changing team members Select the three officers you wish to take into the next battle. Officer Info View information about your officers. You can also listen to lines spoken by each of them. Preparations Change the equipped weapons and items for your officers. Distribute Growth Points Distribute Growth Points to the officers of your choosing in order to power them up.

    Use Upgrade Stones Use the Upgrade Stones you have obtained to increase an officer's abilities. Promote You can promote officers that have reached Lv. Change Character Choose the officer that you will control within the Camp. Bonds Info Confirm the bonds between each of your officers.

    Online Play Connect to the network and play a two player game. Options Save, adjust the game settings, and more. Quit Return to the main menu. Begin Advance Move to the Stage Selection Screen.Each officer can hold up to 8 regular weapons. Any weapons purchased through the Xbox Store can be kept in addition to the 8 regular weapons.Purchased weapons can be equipped by going to 'Preparations' under 'Battle Preparations' on the Status Screen, or 'Preparations' on the Pre-battle Screen.

    Weapon Fusion This allows you to fuse two weapons together in order to create a single, more powerful weapon. It costs gems to perform the fusion. (1) Select the officer that owns the weapons, as well as the weapon you wish to upgrade. (2) Choose the weapon you wish to use for the fusion. The weapon you use to upgrade your weapon will disappear after the fusion is complete. (3) Select the attributes (or additional slots) you wish to add to your weapon. (4) Press the Menu button to complete the fusion.If you add an already existing attribute, then its level will increase.You cannot use Weapon Fusion with weapons purchased from the Xbox Store.If you select an orb instead of another weapon for the fusion, then you can add a new attribute to the weapon.Fused weapons can be equipped by going to 'Preparations' under 'Battle Preparations' on the Status Screen, or 'Preparations' on the Pre-battle Screen.

    Craft Materials Weapons and orbs can be created using the materials you obtain in Gauntlet Mode. The orbs you create can be used with the Weapon Fusion command to add new attributes to your weapons. Lottery If you have a lottery ticket, you can play the lottery to win new weapons for some of your characters. Confirm information on each of your officers. You can confirm the details of each attack by pressing the X button to bring up the 'Move details.' ① Attack Category The officer's Attack Category. There are four types.

    ② Costume You can change an officer's costume when selecting officers via the 'Change Team' command. ③ Level (Lv.) / Experience Points (EXP) When your EXP reaches its maximum value, your character's Level will increase, as will their abilities.

    ④ # of Promotions A ★ will be given for each time the officer has been promoted. ⑤ Skills The unique Skills for your officer. During battle, all the members of your team can utilize the effects of each Skill. When the officer is promoted, they will learn a second Skill. ⑥ Proficiency This determines a Skill's effectiveness. This increases (GFEDCBAS) as you defeat a certain amount of enemy officers and troops. ⑦ Abilities These increase when you level up.

    Life The maximum value of your Life Gauge. Attack The higher this is, the more damage you can do. Defense The higher this is, the less damage you will take.

    Musou The maximum value of your Musou Gauge. Speed The higher this is, the faster you can move.You can check officers you have a special relationship with by using the 'Bond Info' command on the Status Screen. Attack behaviors When the bonds between your playable character and the inactive officers are strong, their attack behavior will change in the following ways:. They may automatically perform Support Attacks. When they automatically perform a Support Attack, the inactive officers may temporarily boost the abilities of your playable character. The finishing blow for the True Triple Attack will be more powerful and have a greater attack range than usual.

    They will perform a follow-up attack when you successfully land a counterattack.Additionally, when an allied officer that you have maximum bonds with is on the same battlefield, you can perform a True Musou Attack together with them. When playing with two players, or if you have team members that you have maximum bonds with, 3 to 6 officers can perform a True Musou Burst Attack. Other effects When you fight in the same battle as an allied officer that you have a strong bond with, they may give you a new weapon once the battle is over. Additionally, bonds may also affect how the story within the game unfolds. Fight in the same battles as your allies (bonds with allied officers will increase).

    Select the officers as fellow team members for battle (the bonds between team members will strengthen). Accept missions before battle and complete them during the stage (the bonds between the issuing officer and your team members will strengthen). Rescue allied officers who are struggling in battle (the bonds between the rescued officer and your team will strengthen). Hold parties at the Teahouse within the Camp (the bonds between the participating officers will strengthen).

    Create a Sworn Ally within Gauntlet Mode by using the 'Bonds List' command.If you do not confirm your selection, your team members will not be changed. Selecting a stage By going into the 'Circle of Light' within the Camp or selecting 'Begin Advance' on the Status Screen, you will be taken to the Stage Selection Screen. Here, you can choose a stage to play, decide whether to use your own characters or the ones recommended for the stage, and adjust the difficulty level of the game. You can use the Y button to switch between stages before or after history has been altered (before or after obtaining the Divine Mirror), and you can use the left bumper and the right bumper to switch between chapters. Within Story Mode and Free Mode, you can connect online to play together with another player.

    Follow the steps below to play online: (1) After selecting 'Online Play' from the Status Screen in Story Mode, or 'Online Play' after selecting a mode in Free Mode, you can play a game online. (2) Join a game looking for allies, or look for somebody to join your game. You can select 'Quick Match' to automatically begin playing in a game that is looking for another player. (3) After completing the stage, you will automatically be disconnected from your ally. Musou Battlefields enable you to take stages that you have cleared in Story Mode or Free Mode and customize them to your own liking. By obtaining Musou Battlefield elements in places like Story Mode, the number of items you can change for each battlefield will increase. You can also upload battlefields that you edit and make them available to other players online.

    Play Battlefield Play a battlefield that you have edited. Edit Battlefield Customize a battlefield. Upload/download battlefield You can connect online in order to upload your edited battlefields. Additionally, you are able to download battlefields edited by other players. When editing a new battlefield, select 'Create New' and select 'Re-edit' to resume a previously edited battlefield.

    Change Lines Change the lines spoken by the officers in your battlefield. Using 'Switch Lines' enables you use lines from Story Mode, while 'Create Lines' allows you to freely input new original lines. The 'Create Battle Message' feature also allows you to freely create battle messages to be displayed during the stage as well.As you progress through Story Mode, the number of lines available for 'Switch Lines' will increase.Lines created using 'Create Lines' will not have any voice files played for them.Please refrain from writing any content within 'Create Lines' or 'Create Battle Message' that is illegal, obscene, or might be considered rude, offensive or improper to other players.

    Change Officers / Change Music The assigned officers can be edited for those that you have obtained as Musou Battlefield elements. For music, you can select from songs that you have heard within the game. Add Elements This enables you to add elements other than officers. Self-Evaluation Give comments and a rating for your battlefield.

    The evaluation you set will be viewed by others when they view your battlefield online. Test Play Play a battlefield that you have edited. During your test play, if you select 'Message Timeline' from the Information Screen, you will be able to view a list of the voice lines and battle messages displayed during your test play. You can change the battle messages you encountered during the game by going to 'Message Timeline' under 'Change Lines' upon completion of your test play.You will receive a crystal for uploading a battlefield.Players that have downloaded your battlefield may leave an evaluation (rating/comments) of your battlefield.

    Downloading battlefields First, select 'Upload/download battlefield' under 'Musou Battlefields' from the main menu and then select 'Download Battlefield' to choose a battlefield to download. You are also able to download battlefields edited by other players. Evaluating downloaded battlefields You can play downloaded battlefields by using the 'Play Battlefield' command. After you finish playing, you can leave an evaluation and comments for the person that uploaded it.You cannot use the True Musou Attack, True Musou Burst, True Triple Attack, summon horses, or change battle styles in Duel Mode.

    Duel Face a team of three officers controlled by the computer or by another player. Following the battle, you can receive crystals and Growth Points. Online Play online against another player. Following the battle, you can receive crystals and Growth Points. You can also confirm the rankings for duels against other people or for the Survival rankings. Survival This lets you test how many computer-controlled officers you can defeat in a row.

    Following the battle, you can receive crystals and Growth Points. Presets You can register up to 5 groups of officers and Strategy Cards.

    Quit Return to the main menu.Some cards require a certain amount of time to elapse before their actions take effect. (3) Any Strategy Cards used will darken and you will be unable to use them again for a set period of time. A black gauge will appear on Strategy Cards you are unable to use.

    Once the gauge has emptied, you will be able to use that card again. ① Rare Cards These are Strategy Cards that contain powerful effects. They are highlighted with a gold border. ② Battle Points These are required in order to use Strategy Cards.

    Using a card will cause these to decrease. Collecting Strategy Cards You will obtain an officer's Strategy Card upon unlocking them in Story Mode.

    Additionally, you can obtain rare cards by completing certain conditions within Story Mode, Free Mode, or Duel or Survival within Duel Mode.The first time you play the mode, you will be able to form your team by selecting from 5 preset officers as well as those that are playable from the beginning of the game. In order to play as other officers than those you originally select, you will need to find them as a Sworn Ally and summon them to the battlefield. Exploring the stages Your goal in Gauntlet Mode is to clear stages that are made up of multiple battlefields.

    On each battlefield, you will need to activate the various Dragon Portals you come across. When you activate a specific Dragon Portal, you will enable an escape point to appear. You will have cleared the battlefield when you reach its escape point. Once you have cleared all of the battlefields within a stage, you will have cleared the stage itself. As you clear stages, the battlefield (Boundary Layer) that will take you to the next level of the world will appear, so try to gradually work your way down towards your goal. Camp Like in Story Mode, the Camp will serve as your base. Within the Camp, you can prepare for battle, summon Sworn Allies with the mystic, or accept various requests from her.

    If you complete the requests, then you can earn gems or crystals. You will be taken to the Stage Selection Screen by going into the Circle of Light or by selecting 'Begin Advance' on the Status Screen.

    Select a stage and begin the battle. You can only select stages that are adjacent to stages that you have already cleared. Stage Selection Screen ① Keystones The Keystones you currently possess. These stones are required to advance on to new stages.

    You can obtain Keystones by clearing stages. Depending on the type of the Keystone, the stages you can enter will differ. Pressing the Y button enables you to use 5 Keystones to change the contents of the stage. By doing so, the layout and enemies will be altered.

    ② Stage You will clear the stage when you clear all of the battlefields within it. If you are forced to retreat along the way, then you will need to start the stage over from the beginning.

    Sometimes, an 'Extreme Stage' will appear. These stages will differ from regular stages in a variety of ways, but you can also obtain valuable rare items in them. ③ Links / Instability The number of battlefields within the stage.

    The current state of the stage. The higher this number is, the easier it will be for the miasma levels at the beginning of the stage to change, and the more treasure chests there will be. There are Dragon Portals placed throughout the battlefields in Gauntlet Mode. You can activate the Dragon Portals by standing on them and holding down the left bumper. Upon activating a Dragon Portal, treasure chests may appear or the miasma levels may be altered. There is one Dragon Portal within each battlefield that will cause an escape point to appear.

    If you press the left bumper while near an activated Dragon Portal, then your abilities may be boosted, or your Life, Musou or Formation Skill Gauges may be refilled slightly. The higher the Miasma Level, the stronger the enemies become, but the greater the rewards will be when you defeat them. Miasma levels increase as you defeat enemies or as times elapses. Battle Screen ① Formations ② Formation Skill ③ Party Members You can switch characters by pressing Left Trigger / Right Trigger.

    If a party member other than your playable character is defeated, you will be unable to switch to that officer. Defeated party members will be revived after a short period of time. ④ Formation Skill Gauge When this fills up, you can utilize Formation Skills. It is shared across your entire party. Gauntlet Mode controls D-pad (left/right) - Switching formations Change your current formation.

    D-pad (up) - Switch camera You can switch between the regular camera and an overhead view by pressing up on the D-pad. Press Right Stick - Formation Skills When the Formation Skill Gauge is full, you can use a Formation Skill. Obtaining and developing formations Formations are unique to Gauntlet Mode and enable your 5 party members to line up in various patterns. By summoning specific allies, or by summoning a certain number of allies, you will be able to use new formations. Additionally, the more battles you fight in, the more the level of your formations used will increase. As a formation's level increases, the amount it changes your abilities will differ, and the level of the special effects offered by the formation will increase, making it even more powerful. Formation Settings You can choose your formation by going to 'Formation Settings' under 'Battle Preparations' on the Status Screen.

    You can set up to 3 formations at one time. Depending on the formation, the abilities of your 5 officers may change, as will each officer's position on the battlefield.

    Formation Skills These are special finishing moves specific to each formation. You can use it when the Formation Skill Gauge is full. Formation Skills will differ based on the placement of the front and rear guard.

    You can confirm this information by going to 'Formation Settings' on the Status Screen or Pre-battle Screen, or 'Formation Info' on the Information Screen. If you switch your playable character or formation while executing a Formation Skill and use another Formation Skill, then the skills will link together for powerful results. If you cannot find an answer to your question, contact our North American Customer Service Representatives by email at support@koeitecmoamerica.com or by calling (650) 692-9080, Monday through Friday, 9:30 AM to 5:00 PM Pacific Time (GMT -8).

    If you are not calling from within our area code, normal long-distance rates may apply. THIS IS FOR TECHNICAL SUPPORT ONLY.

    Customer Service Representatives do NOT provide Game Hints or Tips and do NOT accept game ideas. Customer Support (For products pruchased in the UK, Europe, Australia and New zealand).

    Is an Action, Hack and Slash and Single-player video game developed by Omega Force and published by Tecmo Koei. It is the fourth major entry in the series of Warriors Orochi. The game offers the similar gameplay like its previous titles and borrows its character from Dynasty Warriors 7. It takes place in the parallel Universe filled with different warriors, monsters, and demons. Get into the role of the protagonist who is a warrior and the ultimate task is to fight against foes and take down them to win the battle. Earn experience points by completing objectives and missions and use them to unlock other contents.

    There are over 120 characters, and each offers its unique abilities, weapons, and skills. The player can team up with up to three characters and immerse himself in team-based gameplay. He can use different combos, counter attack, melee attack and weapons to defeat his enemies. Warriors Orochi 3 offers best graphics, engaging gameplay, and exciting story.

    Warriors Orochi 3 Crystal